Every Scout Deserves a Trained Leader!

Every Leader deserves training so s/he can successfully deliver the Scouting program!

  • Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters can wear the Trained patch when they have completed Youth Protection, Boy Scout position Specific Training, and Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills.
  • Troop Committee Members can wear the Trained patch when they have completed Youth Protection and Committee Specific Training.


Here are the courses you need to fulfill your commitment of an adult leader.

Youth Protection Training – YPT ensures boys involved in scouting are kept safe. At least one adult on every Scout outing must be Youth Protection Trained

Leader Specific Training (by position) – Content is based on the leader’s position and are offered by the district or council as group training, or may be done as small groups or by personal coaching.

Intro to Outdoor Leader Skills is a Leader Specific Training, divided into three parts, which covers the skills required for the Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks. Boy Scout Leader-Specific Training- Content is based on the leader’s position and are offered by the district or council as group training, or may be done as small groups or by personal coaching.

Other training courses:

A number of adult courses are described on the Scouting.org Training for Adults page, and accessed through your My.Scouting.Org login. The following courses are recommended if you’re new to Scouting:

Fast Track Training – The Fast Start program has been designed to provide an immediate comfort level for new leaders and enables them to say, ‘I can do this!’, but it should be soon followed by more comprehensive training. If you will be taking your position-specific training right away, then this Fast Start Training is not needed.

This is Scouting – A new online training session that replaces New Leader Essentials, picks up when Fast Start leaves off with six modules: The Mission of Scouting; Programs for All ages; Scouting Is Fun; Scouting in the Community; Keeping Our Youth Safe; and Scouting’s Legacy. Taken through the Online Learning Center.