Camp Wente 2013

July 7 – 13, 2013

Troop 175 had another successful summer camp session at Wente.  We piled scouts and gear into cars on Sunday drove to Willits where we stopped at Burger King for an early lunch, and then on to Wente, where we stayed in our traditional home at the Little Dipper camp site. 

Over the course of the week, the boys worked on a range of merit badges including Swimming and Small Boat Sailing, Leatherwork, Camping, Insect Study, Astronomy, Environmental Science, Archery, Rifle, and many more.  We even had scouts work on badges not traditionally seen at a camp-out, such as the Citizenship series. 

When not busy with advancement, the troop went to camp-fires, ate lunch in canoes on the lake, participated in group rifle and archery shoots, and visited the ever-popular O’Reilly’s outpost for a backwoods chili dinner complete with tomahawk throwing and black powder shoots!  And we were leading the annual Wentathalon race half way through, until an unfortunate canoe incident literally capsized our championship hopes.  Next year…

Hope everyone on T175 can go to Wente next year, it’s a great week long adventure.

-Mr Ningen.




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