Beginning Backpack Overnight – Castle Rock State Park

castle_rock_spDepart:  Saturday May 16, 2015 at 7:30 am  from FC Library

Return: Sunday May 17th at 4:00 pm

Trip Coordinator: Mr. Hart

Scout Coordinator: Declan Hart


Got new gear to test? Need to be introduced to backpacking by going on a short weekend trip? The hike will be 5 miles total (2.6 miles each way) and fairly level (400’ elevation change). Feel what it’s like to carry all of your gear on your back. Learn what gear you need on a pack trip. Start preparing for more challenging backpack trips (10 mile, 20 mile, 30 mile, and the big 50 MILER)!


You will need to supply your own backpack. The troop has a few: first come first served basis. **Please get advice from an experienced member of the troop before purchasing new equipment.

Bring Personal Equipment as described in the Troop Binder. Check the weather a couple of days before the trip and pack the appropriate clothes. Remember, you must be able to pack and carry everything your bringing in addition to troop gear and food!

IMPORTANT: There may not be any water at the campsite; each scout must bring one liter of water.

Cost: $25 + $10 for Sunday lunch  (probably In & Out)

Lunch, dinner, breakfast, and snacks will be provided.  Please contact Mr. Hart if you have any special meal considerations.

Sign ups on Team Snap




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