Category: Meeting
2018 March Court of Honor
It is time for our first quarterly COH meeting in 2018. We wish every scout and their parents can join this meeting on March 14. It is a great opportunity for parents to see scouts’ achievements and also show parents’ supports for all the efforts scouts have been put during the first quarter of 2018.…
Troop Elections
September 4, 2013 We will be electing our SPL and Patrol Leaders. Candidates will be expected to give a short speech, so be prepared.
Troop Meeting
August 28, 2013 Welcome Back! Our first troop meeting will be in the Wind Room. Hope to see you all there.
Wente Planning Meeting
Tuesday, May 7, 2013 7:00 – 8:00 pm Winston Village Clubhouse 819 1/2 Peary Lane, FC If you are planning to attend Wente this summer the time to sign up for merit badges is at this meeting. Those who have been to Wente multiple times should plan to attend to advise the new participants. Parents…
Troop & Parent Meeting
Wednesday Jan 23, 2013 Audubon LGI Room This meeting marked the successful launch of our new website, a well-attended Webelos parent meeting and the completion of the nutrition portion of the cooking merit badge for the scouts.
Troop Meetings at Audubon
Wednesday Jan 9, 2013 1st Meeting of the New Year. Welcome Back! We began working on the Cooking merit badge, which at the start of 2014 will be an Eagle required MB. A big thank you to Mr. Ernest for his presentation on food and cooking safety.