Introduction to Firearms

FirearmsDecember 5, 10 & 12, 2012 It’s tough to find a weekend for camping in December, but we still want to get together as Scouts and do some interesting things. This year Mr. Finn put together a great class on firearms safety and handling for us at the range at Coyote Point.

Troop 175 would like to extend a special thank you to Mike Norton and John Galloway of the Coyote Point Rifle and Pistol Club for their exceptional help in teaching the course to more than twenty Scouts and parents. We learned about different types of firearms, how to handle them safely, appropriate behavior on the range and most of all to be aware at all times of any possible safety issue.

After the class on December 5, we broke up into two groups to return to the range for some actual shooting time. Mike Norton was both exceptionally patient and generous in allowing the boys to use his personal firearms and in teaching the finer points of target shooting.

All of the boys and parents had a great time on the range and look forward to other opportunities to practice this sport in the future.

Thanks again, Mr. Finn, Mr. Galloway and Mr. Norton!




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