Moaning Caverns Adventure Tour

MCRappel1-e1436209666820Date/Time: Fri, Feb 26 — Sun, Feb 28, 2016. Departure time TBD.
Location: Moaning Cavern
Address: 5350 Moaning Cavern Road, Vallecito, CA 95251

Adult Leader – Mr Thibault,
Scout Leader – Open

For those looking for something more exciting than the basic walking tour, the Adventure Trip is the ideal solution. The trip begins as cavers enter the cavern through the original entrance by rappelling down a rope 165-ft. (going down the stairs instead of the rope is an option). From the bottom of the main chamber, cavers then descend further by crawling and squirming through small passages, exploring the twists and turns of the lower cavern system for 1½ to 2 hours. To exit the cavern, cavers ascend the 234 steps to the Visitor Center. Cost is $130 per caver. Campers pay the cost of food TBD.

This trip is offered year round by reservation, and is conducted by experienced guides. No experience is necessary, however participants do need to be in good physical condition. Those with conditions such as heart and lung problems, pregnancy, impaired mobility, or excessive weight should not attempt the adventure. Participants must be at least 12 years old, weigh 100 pounds and be at least 4-feet tall. Minors must be accompanied by an adult. Guides will limit participation to persons they believe to be suitable and fit. Due to the inherent dangers involved in spelunking trips, all participants and parents of participating minor children are required to sign a waiver of liability.




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